Banking & Finance HSBC Middle East gets a regional reshuffle By Gavin Gibbon April 27, 2023, 1:41 PM HSBC Abdulfattah Sharaf is the new chairman of the board of HSBC Bank Middle East CEO of HSBC UAE becomes chairman across Middle East Reshuffle marks bank’s ambitions to accelerate growth in region Abdulfattah Sharaf has been appointed chairman of the board of HSBC Bank Middle East while the regional reshuffle will see him succeeded as CEO of operations in the UAE by Mohamed Al Marzooqi. Sharaf has served as HSBC UAE CEO for 13 years, combining this with overseeing the bank’s operations in Algeria, Bahrain and Kuwait as head of International since 2017. After joining the bank in 2008 he initially led its retail banking business as CEO, personal financial services, Middle East and North Africa. HSBC embarks on Saudi hiring spree amid deals boom HSBC appoints new head of Middle East global banking He succeeds Samir Assaf, who will remain a non-executive director and also non-executive chairman of the board of HSBC Middle East Holdings BV. Al Marzooqi, meanwhile, has been with the bank in the UAE since 2002 in a career which spans retail, commercial, corporate and investment banking. Most recently he served as head of global banking, UAE. Stephen Moss, HSBC regional CEO, Middle East, North Africa and Turkey, said the appointments would further the bank’s ambitions to accelerate growth in the region.