Tech Iraqi telecom ministry to lift Telegram messaging app ban By Reuters August 13, 2023, 5:54 AM REUTERS/Dado Ruvic A 3D printed Telegram logo is pictured on a keyboard in front of binary code in this illustration taken on September 24, 2021 Iraq’s telecoms ministry said it will lift a ban on the Telegram messaging app on Sunday, which was imposed earlier this week, citing security concerns and data leaks of official state institutions and citizens. The app is widely used in Iraq for messaging but also as a source of news and for sharing content. Some channels contain large amounts of personal data including the names, addresses and family ties of Iraqis. The ministry said in a statement the decision to lift the ban came after “the company that owns the platform responded to the requirements of the security authorities that called on the company to disclose the entities that leaked citizens’ data”. The company also “expressed its full readiness to communicate with the relevant authorities”, the statement added. Last week the ministry said that the company did not respond to its request to close down platforms that leak data of the official state institutions and the personal data of citizens. Telegram did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.