Renewable Energy Turkish wind-energy projects receive $60m from EBRD By Pramod Kumar September 11, 2024, 5:52 AM EBRD Turkey's wind-energy projects are expected to reduce annual CO2 emissions by 243,000 tonnes A Turkish wind-energy project developer has secured $60 million (€55 million) from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to fund its renewable projects. The projects, located in Sivas and Tekirdağ, will add 116 megawatts (MW) of wind energy capacity. They are being developed by Borusan EnBW Enerji, a joint venture between Turkey’s Borusan Holding and Germany’s EnBW. NewsletterGet the Best of AGBI delivered straight to your inbox every week The venture currently operates 730MW of renewable energy capacity, which will increase to 935MW upon completion of ongoing projects. The wind-energy projects are expected to generate 382 gigawatt-hours of renewable energy, reducing annual CO2 emissions by 243,000 tonnes. Turkey’s renewables scheme given $1bn by World Bank Total signs deal to expand Turkey’s green energy output Investors warm to Turkey’s geothermal sector Turkey will need $10 billion annually through 2030 to reach its net zero target in 2053. Since 2009, EBRD has invested more than €20 billion through 450 projects and trade finance limits in Turkey.