Editor's insight Economy Balancing the Saudi books to improve growth By James Drummond January 13, 2025, 11:39 AM Reuters/Mohammed Benmansour The opening of the sixth line of the Riyadh metro should be celebrated, but the country can do better with its economic growth The sixth line of the Riyadh metro has now opened – a considerable achievement executed at unprecedented speed, according to architects and engineers interviewed by Valentina Pasquali. But the IMF is predicting growth in the Saudi economy ... Register now: It’s easy and free This content is available for registered members only. Register for your free account today for exclusive emails, special reports and event invitations. Why sign up Exclusive weekly email from our editor-in-chief Personalised weekly emails for your preferred industry sectors Read and download our insight packed white papers Access to our mobile app Prioritised access to live events Register for free Already registered? Sign in